Frontend → Customer


Defines the config options for the autocompletion feature.

Default value:

AutoCompleteActive: '1'
ButtonText: Search
MaxResultsDisplayed: '20'
MinQueryLength: '2'
QueryDelay: '100'


Defines the default used Frontend-Module if no Action parameter given in the url on the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- CustomerTicketOverview


Default ticket ID used by the system in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- ''


Defines the module to generate code for periodic page reloads.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::HeaderMeta::Refresh


Module to generate html OpenSearch profile for short ticket search in the customer interface.

Default value:

Action: CustomerTicketSearch
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::HeaderMeta::CustomerTicketSearch


Defines the groups every customer user will be in (if CustomerGroupSupport is enabled and you don't want to manage every customer user for these groups).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- users


Defines the groups every customer will be in (if CustomerGroupSupport is enabled and you don't want to manage every customer for these groups).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- users


Defines a permission context for customer to group assignment.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Description: Gives customer users group based access to tickets from customer users
  of the same customer (ticket CustomerID is a CustomerID of the customer user).
Name: Same Customer
Value: Ticket::CustomerID::Same


Defines a permission context for customer to group assignment.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Description: Provides customer users access to tickets even if the tickets are not
  assigned to a customer user of the same customer ID(s), based on permission groups.
Name: Other Customers
Value: Ticket::CustomerID::Other


Activates support for customer and customer user groups.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


The headline shown in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- Example Company


The logo shown in the header of the customer interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

StyleHeight: 45px
StyleRight: 25px
StyleTop: 9px
StyleWidth: 300px
URL: skins/Customer/default/img/logo.png


Defines the path of the shown info file, that is located under Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- CustomerAccept


Defines the key to check with CustomerAccept. If this user preferences key is true, then the message is accepted by the system.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- CustomerAccept1


Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, about new password.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- "Hi <OTRS_USERFIRSTNAME>,\n\n\nNew password: <OTRS_NEWPW>\n\n<OTRS_CONFIG_HttpType>://<OTRS_CONFIG_FQDN>/<OTRS_CONFIG_ScriptAlias>\n
  \           "


Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, with token about new requested password.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- "Hi <OTRS_USERFIRSTNAME>,\n\nYou or someone impersonating you has requested to
  change your OTRS\npassword.\n\nIf you want to do this, click on this link. You will
  receive another email containing the password.\n\n<OTRS_CONFIG_HttpType>://<OTRS_CONFIG_FQDN>/<OTRS_CONFIG_ScriptAlias>;Token=<OTRS_TOKEN>\n\nIf
  you did not request a new password, please ignore this email.\n            "


Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, about new account.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- "Hi <OTRS_USERFIRSTNAME>,\n\nYou or someone impersonating you has created a new
  OTRS account for\nyou.\n\nFull name: <OTRS_USERFIRSTNAME> <OTRS_USERLASTNAME>\nUser
  name: <OTRS_USERLOGIN>\nPassword : <OTRS_USERPASSWORD>\n\nYou can log in via the
  following URL. We encourage you to change your password\nvia the Preferences button
  after logging in.\n\n<OTRS_CONFIG_HttpType>://<OTRS_CONFIG_FQDN>/<OTRS_CONFIG_ScriptAlias>\n
  \           "


Enables customers to create their own accounts.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


If active, none of the regular expressions may match the user's email address to allow registration.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

- \@your\.domain\.example$


If active, one of the regular expressions has to match the user's email address to allow registration.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

- \@your\.domain\.example$


Defines an alternate login URL for the customer panel..

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:



Defines an alternate logout URL for the customer panel.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:



Activates lost password feature for customers.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


This module and its PreRun() function will be executed, if defined, for every request. This module is useful to check some user options or to display news about new applications.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- Kernel::Modules::CustomerAccept


Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, about new password.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- New OTRS password


Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, with token about new requested password.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- New OTRS password request


Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, about new account.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- New OTRS Account!


Defines the user identifier for the customer panel.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


Defines a customer item, which generates a google maps icon at the end of a customer info block.

This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.

Default value:

Attributes: UserStreet;UserCity;UserCountry;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.GoogleMaps.css
CSSClass: GoogleMaps
IconName: fa-globe
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::Generic
Required: UserStreet;UserCity;
Target: _blank
Text: Location


Customer item (icon) which shows the open tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.

Default value:

Action: AgentTicketSearch
Attributes: StateType=Open;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css
CSSClassNoOpenTicket: NoOpenTicket
CSSClassOpenTicket: OpenTicket
CustomerUserLogin: '0'
IconNameNoOpenTicket: fa-check-circle
IconNameOpenTicket: fa-exclamation-circle
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket
Subaction: Search
Target: _blank
Text: Open tickets (customer)


Customer item (icon) which shows the open tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Action: AgentTicketSearch
Attributes: StateType=Open;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css
CSSClassNoOpenTicket: NoOpenTicket
CSSClassOpenTicket: OpenTicket
CustomerUserLogin: '1'
IconNameNoOpenTicket: fa-check-circle
IconNameOpenTicket: fa-exclamation-circle
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket
Subaction: Search
Target: _blank
Text: Open tickets (customer user)


Customer item (icon) which shows the closed tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Action: AgentTicketSearch
Attributes: StateType=Closed;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css
CSSClassNoOpenTicket: NoOpenTicket
CSSClassOpenTicket: OpenTicket
CustomerUserLogin: '0'
IconNameNoOpenTicket: fa-power-off
IconNameOpenTicket: fa-power-off
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket
Subaction: Search
Target: _blank
Text: Closed tickets (customer)


Customer item (icon) which shows the closed tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Action: AgentTicketSearch
Attributes: StateType=Closed;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css
CSSClassNoOpenTicket: NoOpenTicket
CSSClassOpenTicket: OpenTicket
CustomerUserLogin: '1'
IconNameNoOpenTicket: fa-power-off
IconNameOpenTicket: fa-power-off
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket
Subaction: Search
Target: _blank
Text: Closed tickets (customer user)


Defines a customer item, which generates a google icon at the end of a customer info block.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Attributes: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.Google.css
CSSClass: Google
IconName: fa-google
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::Generic
Required: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
Target: _blank
Text: Google


Defines a customer item, which generates a LinkedIn icon at the end of a customer info block.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Attributes: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.LinkedIn.css
CSSClass: LinkedIn
IconName: fa-linkedin
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::Generic
Required: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
Target: _blank
Text: LinkedIn


Defines a customer item, which generates a XING icon at the end of a customer info block.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Attributes: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
CSS: Core.Agent.CustomerUser.Xing.css
CSSClass: Xing
IconName: fa-xing
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::Generic
Required: UserFirstname;UserLastname;
Target: _blank
Text: XING


Use new type of select and autocomplete fields in customer interface, where applicable (InputFields).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


This option will deny the access to customer company tickets, which are not created by the customer user.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Custom text for the page shown to customers that have no tickets yet (if you need those text translated add them to a custom translation module).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Button: Create your first ticket
Text: Please click the button below to create your first ticket.
Title: Welcome!